Eagle Rock Adventures, LLC - Whitetail Deer Hunting Policies
Purchase your hunting license:
< http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/hunting-trapping-and-shooting-sports/hunting-trapping-regulations/season-dates-and-bag-limits>
All participants must sign a waiver & liability release agreement prior to scouting and/or hunting on the property.
If hunting from a tree stand, it is mandatory that you wear a full-body fall restraint safety harness.
Do not carry your weapon into the tree stand as you climb; you must use a lift rope.
You will arrive at a preset time the day before your hunt. You will hunt the designated number of days and depart on the last day of hunting. With prior approval, you may be permitted to depart the morning following your last day of hunting.
Upon arrival we will introduce you to your hunting area and consult with you on the best kill zones. We will assist you in setting up your equipment for the next day's hunt if requested.
Hunt location/area cannot be changed without approval from Eagle Rock Adventures and/or the other hunters in the group.
Stay in your area while hunting. Do not cross any property boundaries. If you disturb another hunter in his area you will be asked to pay for his entire hunt and vise versa.
Food is not included but a full kitchen is available in the Eagle Rock Lodge.
No alcohol before and during hunting hours.
All ODNR hunting laws must be obeyed and land boundaries respected.
Safety harness must be used in tree stands.
Deer drives, stalk hunting is prohibited, sneak in, sneak out of stands.
Only 1 buck can be taken. The Rack must extend a minimum of 2" on both sides of ear tips or score at least 125. There
is a $400.00 charge for shooting a smaller buck.
No smoking in the lodge or in the field.
Recovery is the hunter's responsibility, but we will do everything possible to help you recover your trophy after the
shot and then some. Your best bet is a well-placed ethical shot.
In addition to a trophy buck, a mature doe may be harvested at no charge.
Deer carcasses must be hung at the barn.
You may elect to hang or use your own stands and climbers at your own risk.
•All whitetail are
free roaming
We encourage the harvesting of does.
Cross bows can be used for the Archery Hunts.
You will hunt up to 6 days, depending on the package you select, but you must check out of the lodge by 2:00 PM of your last day of hunting.
We encourage the harvesting of does. We will offer advice on current deer activity and best
kill zones.
You arrive at a pre-arranged time the day before your hunt and will be offered a guided tour of
the property.
All hunters must sign a hunting lease agreement and permission slip wich includes a liability release.
All hunters are recommended to carry personal liability insurance that provides leverage in the unlikly event of a hunting accident.
DEER CHECK IN- In the 2024-2025 hunting season, Ohio offers online and telephonic check in.
<Click Here For Property Photos>